Complete protection & assistance for long term absences of 180 to 365 Days.
With HomePro Platinum, we will:
- go to your Home or Cottage at an approved time and shut off your main water supply and drain all your distribution pipes, fixtures and appliances. HomePro will then "blow out" the entire Home or Cottage's plumbing system with compressed air into the distribution pipes. HomePro will then apply correct amounts of the safe Propylene Glycol antifreeze into all plumbing fixture pea traps, toilet tanks and bowls.
- provide outdoor close up services for furniture (umbrellas, chairs, etc.), equipment (canoes, bikes, boat lifts, removable docks etc.), and appliances (BBQ's, fireplaces etc.) to be removed and/or stored; and/or tarp; and/or shrink wrapped for winter storage as per the specifications in your service agreement.
- return to your Home or Cottage at a scheduled time to restore your water supply and water pressure into your plumbing system including the testing of all fixtures for flow and potential leaks using your Home or Cottage's normal water pressure.
- provide outdoor set up services for furniture (umbrellas, chairs, etc.), equipment (canoes, bikes, boat lifts, removable docks etc.), and appliances (BBQ's, fireplaces etc.) to be set up for use as per the specifications in your service agreement.
- provide regular visits on a rotation schedule to inspect the entire Home or Cottage and alternate room lighting.
- provide maintenance visits as required for driveway/walkway and roof snow removal in the winter; lawn mowing/trimming in the Spring/Summer/Fall; yard clean up and eavestrough cleaning in the Spring/Fall including home entry during each maintenance visit to inspect the home and alternate room lighting to help prevent against vandalism.
- call you; and/or have HomePro to repair; and/or call a specialized service to repair any maintenance issue while you are away affecting the winterized condition of your Home or Cottage that would be considered the homeowners normal responsibility. (any/all repairs are considered additional costs in the terms of your service agreement)