Best affordable protection & safeguards for longer term absences of 30 to 180 Days.
Your Home or Cottage has a working phone line; or if you do not have a working phone line then you MUST have a GOOD cellular signal at your location.
With HomePro GOLD WATCH PLUS+, we will:
- provide a phone landline or cellular monitoring system (with back up Power) that alerts our central monitoring station for any Temperature Change, Water Leaks and Power Disruption on a 24/7 basis.
- dispatch a Service Technician to investigate any alert as necessary.
- provide maintenance as required for driveway/walkway snow removal including home entry during each maintenance visit to inspect the home and alternate room lighting to help prevent against vandalism.
- call you; and/or have HomePro to repair; and/or call a specialized service to repair any maintenance issue while you are away affecting the heating, plumbing and power of the normal operation and condition of your Home or Cottage that would be considered the homeowners normal responsibility. (any/all repairs are considered additional costs in the terms of your service agreement)
- in the event of a long term power outage that would not be considered the home owners responsibility that may affect your home heating and/or plumbing, HomePro will temporarily install a kerosene heater, generator or another energy source to provide heating to your building until power is restored. (this service is an additional cost with the service rates dependant on the choice of energy source provided and the length of time the service is needed as per the terms of your service agreement).